Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Review of Related Literature - 668 Words

Review of Related Literature This section deals with the literature and reading related to the variable of the study. This section also aims to show previous studies of money management which served as the fundamental assumption for the methodology used in the study. Sources of information were taken from the internet, books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. The money management and financial capabilities of CBAE students in the University of Mindanao reading helps the researchers in seeing the impact of the study as seen by other community as a whole. Consumption Recent studies on spending in Asia and United States defined consumption as the purchase of goods and services more for their wants than their needs. Students spending habits are important issues for colleges, especially when considering the students financial well-being and their wellness to study in school. (Palmer, Bliss, Goetz, Moorman, 2010). Food consumption According to Evan King, Florala.net (2011), college students nowadays rely on the convenience of fast food to make it through the day and college students eat an average of six to eight per cent fast food meals a week. The shifting of young people from high school to colleges and universities has many implications. A main issue is the food consumption approach and associated nutritional risk to college students. Adjustments in living environment affect their lifestyle factors. In Greece, college students’ consumption living away from their parentsShow MoreRelatedReview of Related Literature1643 Words   |  7 PagesReview of Related Literature The review of related literatures of this study is made here in the Philippines and in abroad. It is acquired from the internet and unpublished theses. It is nearly related on the relationship of computer game addiction to interpersonal relationship to adolescents especially, K-12 students. To enrich the background on the subject of the researcher, the literatures that were found are here in presented. A. Foreign Studies Based from the study of Mark Griffiths (2007)Read MoreReview of Related Literature1454 Words   |  6 PagesREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This investigatory project aims to make use of rambutan peeling extracts that is high in phenolic compounds such as tannin and saponin that exhibits antioxidant activity and antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria. Although the seeds contain such compounds the peeling exhibit greater amount of the said compounds. Rambutan is a very popular fruit cultivated in the Philippines and it is eaten in large amounts. The rambutans rind is quickly discarded andRead MoreReview of Related Literature3694 Words   |  15 Pageshuman diseases like malaria, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, dengue haemorrhagic fever and yellow fever causing millions of deaths every year [1]. Extensive use of chemical insecticides for control of vector borne diseases has created problems related to physiological resistance to vectors, adverse environmental effects, high operational cost and community acceptance [2]. Numerous plant products have been reported either as insecticides for killing larvae or adult mosquitoes or as repellents forRead MoreReview of Related Literature and Studies1403 Words   |  6 PagesCHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Studies rely on information researched by the proponents. Review of Related Literature In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the products of the technologicalRead MoreReview Of Related Literature And Studies1438 Words   |  6 PagesChapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This part of the study contains related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth research of the researcher. Related Literatures come from both Foreign and Local published literatures that became the basis for the researcher to pursue this study. Related Studies come from both Foreign and Local Studies that has relationship or in relation on her study. Foreign Literature Culture-shaping is a methodological and comprehensive approachRead MoreReview Of Related Literature And Studies Essay1585 Words   |  7 PagesCHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This part of the study contains related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth research of the researcher. Related literatures come from both foreign and local published literatures that became the basis for the researcher to pursue this study. Related studies come from both foreign and local studies that has relationship or in relation on her study. Foreign Literature Culture-shaping is a methodological and comprehensive approachRead MoreReview of Related Literature and Studies1069 Words   |  5 PagesCHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES LOCAL LITERATURE Josefina Estolas in the book Fundamentals of Research (1995). In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is employed by the researcher. The commodities, new devices, services, in technology are needs of man for a better fuller life which is the concern of the research. These useful arts are the products of the technologicalRead MoreReview of Related Foreign Literature1844 Words   |  8 PagesREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies. It contains a review of books and studies on the subject matter conducted here and abroad and their relation to the present research. The researcher looked for a number of foreign and local studies and some related literatures that have either direct or indirect bearing to the study. Foreign Literature Student Retention Policy Department of Special Education, Counseling, and Student AffairsRead MoreReview of Related Literature and Studies3079 Words   |  13 PagesREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Several studies have been conducted here and abroad which have a direct and indirect bearing on the subject to be investigated in this study. A brief review of the related literature and studies are presented hereunder. Literature In the present educational system, studies based on the achievement levels of elementary and secondary students revealed that the equality of education has deteriorated over the years. In a recent UNESCO statistics Barsaga (2000)Read MoreReview Of Related Literature And Studies1921 Words   |  8 PagesCHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Various publications and studies related to the topic being studied were read and analyzed by the researcher to support the claims presented by this study. 2.1 Mobile Robot According to Al-Sahib (2015), the term robot is derived from the Czech word â€Å"robota† which means forced labor. Goris (2004) also said that a robot can be defined as a device that can execute automated tasks, either with the influence of direct human control, or a set of general

Monday, December 23, 2019

Vaccinations Are The Best Way For Prevent / Eliminate /...

Aissatou Sougou Topic: Vaccinations are the best way to prevent/eliminate/address/ tackle deadly diseases in the developing world. To what extent do you agree? Introduction There are various diseases which are very deadly to human being. Those who are highly affected are those living in third world countries. In this way, different methods of interventions and preventions have been performed, however vaccinations are broadly viewed as one of the best therapeutic accomplishments of cutting edge progress. Vaccinations can be defined as the injection of an external agent to human body, in order to prevent or cure an infectious disease. Various studies, touching epidemiology and sociology, show the positive impact of vaccinations on mortality. According to Andre (2005, p23-25), â€Å"Without doubt, vaccines are among the most efficient tools for promoting individual and public health and deserve better press†. This essay will endeavor to present the impact of vaccinations on the human mortality rate, it will also show which are the better ways of prevention method in public health and finally, the cost-efficiency of vaccinations for government and its partners. Main Body One of the main benefits of vaccinations is the decrease of the global high mortality rate. The pre-vaccination before being exposed to an illness, ensure people a protection against the effects of this disease. A post-injection after an exposure can also confer an immunity to people. For instance 30 years ago,Show MoreRelated Bacillus Anthracis and Biological Warfare Essay3915 Words   |  16 Pagescommon in the developing world. Indeed, most recent outbreaks have occurred in southeastern Asia and Africa where anthrax is endemic, often in isolated villages, and therefore have been difficult to investigate. Pulmonary anthrax (woolsorter’s disease) results from spore inhalation and like gastric anthrax, is very rare, but inhalation remains the primary infection route for weaponized anthrax, due to its nearly uniform fatality (Table 1). Pulmonary anthrax is approximately 90% fatal, and the USRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 PagesInterview Effectiveness 162 Interview Issues 162 Interview Bias 162 Online Recruiting 143 Effective Recruiting 144 Recruitment Alternatives 145 Temporary Help Services 145 Employee Leasing 145 Independent Contractors 145 Workplace Issues: â€Å"Best Practice† Ideas Applicable to Recruitment and Hiring 146 DID YOU KNOW?: Steps for Effective Interviewing 162 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HRM: The Stress Interview 163 The Behavioral Interview 164 Realistic Job Previews 164 Conditional Job Offers 165 BackgroundRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesand transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning or its author endorse you or your use of the work). (2) Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposes (for example, by inserting passages into a book that is sold to students). (3) NoRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pages(Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. â€Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.† T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to my muse, Neil, for the faith and inspiration he instills. E.W.L Preface Since you are reading this text, you have made a decision that learningRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 PagesConclusions in a Way That Recognizes Variability in the Data Unlike many introductory texts, Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Third Edition is organized in a manner consistent with the natural order of the data analysis process: xiii xiv ââ€"   Preface Step 1: Acknowledging Variability— Collecting Data Sensibly Step 2: Describing Variability in the Data— Descriptive Statistics Probability Supports the Connection Step 3: Drawing Conclusions in a Way That Recognizes

Sunday, December 15, 2019

International Business- Walmart Free Essays

INTERNATIONAL MARKET OF WAL-MART QUESTION Assignment 1: Challenges in international management Type: Individual Format: Essay (You are encouraged to use headings and/or sub-headings to separate the sections/cases of your essay. ) Word limit: 2500 words (variation within 10% more or less is allowed) This activity is a platform to sharpen and demonstrate your knowledge and analytical skills in international business. It is designed to help you achieve the learning outcomes 1, 2 3. We will write a custom essay sample on International Business- Walmart or any similar topic only for you Order Now The assignment focuses on the actors of international business and their actions in the contemporary international business context. It also provides you with opportunities to link the international theories with the practice by analysing real-world examples from the academic point of view. Key Assignment Question: How does international business organisation achieve its internationalisation objectives in the contemporary context? Process: 1. Select a multinational corporation. 2. Write a brief overview of the organisation and its mission/objectives related to international business  (maximum 500 words for this section) 3. Select and then analyse the internationalisation process of the organisation and its impacts on the international context (International business theories can be adopted in this section) †¢ What did the organisation do to internationalise itself? [i. e. environmental analysis, involvement with different actors, entry mode] †¢ Please explain factors affecting the internationalisation process of your Multinational Corporation(MNC). †¢ What was the impact of these actions on the organisation and/or broader community (i. e. host country, competitors, industry etc. ? (1,500 words) 4. Experience/lessons Learned  (500 words) †¢ What experience and/or lessons should the organisation have learnt from the analysis? Why do you think they are important for their future acting? †¢ What insights did you gain about international business in the contemporary context? SOLUTION Introduction The most reputed and perhaps the biggest company in the World in terms of retail. It has a proven track record for implementing successful business across the globe with its wonderful business practices and world class marketing plans. Wal- Mart is a company which has done business not only in the US but also many countries across the globe. The company was established by Sam Walton at Rogers, Arkansas in the year 1962. The business growth was in the track with a period of 17 years after starting the company. By the end of financial year 2001, company already saw a turn over of one billion US dollars. With its effective marketing strategies Wal-mart managed to make it reputation of being the largest retailer in the world with revenue of 218 billion dollars. The companies continue growth in terms of revenue led the company to operate in the global level. The global operation started in the Mexico City in the year 1991. Its global presence has seen a new height, when it was found that more than 100 million customers have visited the Wal-mart retails globally. The number of associates stood at 1. 3 million which are on rolls of the company and has been diversified across 3200 stores in the US and more than 1000 stores across Canada, China, UK,, Germany, Korea ,Indonesia etc. Wal-Mart operates its stores in different versions worldwide. It is generally categorised in three main segments. Namely u   Wal-mart Stores u   Sam’s Club u   International Stores It can be further differentiated into Discount Stores, Super centres and Neighbourhood market. (Lewis, 2011) Currently the company serves around 200 million members and customers in a week at little higher than 8000 units under various collaboration and banners in 15 countries. The sales have crossed $400 billion mark and employees more than 2. 1 million people globally. It is a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy and employment opportunity. In the year 2008, the company found three major areas which are crucial at present for the company. The mission statement is â€Å"to help people save money so they can live better. † The crucial areas are: health, power efficiency and moral foundation. These matters have been transformed into the broad objectives that are stated as under: 1. Access to the world class health care at an affordable price. 2. Minimize the power cost for the consumer. 3. Moral and Environmental issues to be taken care of before expanding the business network. .(wallmart. com,2012) Internationalization of the process In the present business environment there are no fixed methods for globalization of the business. As there are various complexities in the entire process of the business which varies from place to place and business to business. The standards of internationalization of the process of any business are set by the owners by themselves. In general view in terms globalization few concepts are relatively popular in terms of globalization of the process. The commonly followed strategies are as follows. * Exporting of the product Seeking for Licensing the product to other company * Go out and give franchising opportunity to other company. *   Joint venturing with the native country firms * Setting up of a wholly owned subsidiary. Generally the experiment has proved that bring change to the on going firms international engagement, it lays down the rues and regulation for setting up foreign subsidiaries. Hence it becomes important to include these variatio ns and give more business ideas like, joint venturing, licensing and franchising opportunity (Lewis, 2011) Study of the factors undertaken before going Global Before launching the Wal-Mart brand as other brand was lively in all the respect and with the increase in the revenue the company has achieved that comfortable level to go out and play in the international arena. Wal-Mart sensed the need of hour and knew that the international trade will give a good numbers in terms of sales and profits enhance the image and offer valuable ways by creating jobs in the process of globalization. An analysis has been done in this regard by the company. Before going multinational following are the analysis done by any companies for the matter of fact before developing the business plan. Commitment from the Employees team – An effective plan for the employees in the group ranging from top level to executive junior level, all should be united, does not matter even if he is supplier, every one should be under one roof as an asset for companies effective execution of the process. Proper definition of the business plan for internal employees must be designed to enter the international business environment. It becomes very much necessary to put a plan of action defining company’s present status, objectives and commitment. It will help to measure the results as whole. Very prominent factor is the investment how much the company is investing in the process of globalization whether it is 10-15% of the profit form the domestic market or options like pay as you can afford formula. The company analyzed the proper time frame required for the launch of the company in the global market. It took time and patience to built and lasting world enterprise. Thus it has paid a lot to the wall mart in the long run. The best thing they did is the hosting of website keeping the international market in their mind. Though English is the most popular language in the world, but less than 30 % people can read it in the European continent. The numbers are further lower in Asia and South America. Multi lingual website has become the first choice of the MNC’s so that they can effectively transmit the information without any barrier. Decision over the Product and services for the nations- It is very important to decide which product to promote in the global market. Many goods supported in the countries like America may be supported in Indonesia. The company has also launched an extensive market research. It is one of the proven tool for identifying the growth, developments and scope in the market. This enabled the company to find what kind of product is demanded in the market and major markets were targeted. Research related to the geographical location-   In this volume based economy the company has selected the areas where the growth is relatively higher compared to the areas where the sales are at all time low. Thus the company has considered this factor before selecting the countries in particular. A good research was conducted in this regard for identifying the customers so that it can choose the location effectively. It has also taken care of the factors like the control over the business ventures. A perfect plan was prepared before hand in this regard. Wal–Mart always followed a strategy related to the export of the goods the companies effective style of displaying the product and other things has led the company to touch new heights in the retail sector in many countries. Legal factors- Any companies before going global always needs to meet the legal requirements and other issues related to the compliances. Thus the strategy of the company was designed in such a way, that they inducted layers, bankers and people from various legal and financial supports. This was one of the priorities of the company as they knew that without meeting this factor you cannot afford to run the company. The documentation and the approval from the government and other trade bodies were taken before entering in any country premises. Appropriate channels were used to get more and more out of the process. Pricing Factor- It is very important to test the price in the market. How the people receive the price in the current situation? Then negotiate and determine the final pricing structure for the product. Terms and conditions were researched and designed suitably for the customers as well as the company. Service and replacement strategies- Wal-Mart knew that the customers satisfaction is the key to the success of the business. The relationship with the customer should not end after the sales process, an effective feedback and after sales services were some of the key issues that were determined by the company. Cultural Aspects-   it was one of the key agendas of the Wal-mart to take care of the cultural specific information and general courtesy related to the job and sustainability. The goal of the company was designed in such a way that it will be easier for the company to adapt and make it into their own culture. . Factors related to global alliance and partnership- retail giants like Wal-mart had an extensive discussion and formulated policy regarding the alliances and partnership of the company in the different nations. It is an important matter of concern for the companies like Wal- mart to enter into the retail market. Many aspects are related in this matter like joining hands with company of similar capacity who are already in the market or search for any other alliance on profit sharing basis. The key policy Wal-mart implemented is that they treated employees as a most important valuable asset and business cannot survive without them, in this age of rapid development it is the emotional touch which helps the companies to grow. Taking the best possible care of company and employees, your suppliers and your customers, and your future will be bright, prosperous and happy. Going global doesn’t have to be a scary proposition. By considering and developing these twenty essential factors before going global, your organization can realize the full potential of globalization and capture dramatic revenue growth. (Dalaney, 2004) Major problems and hindrances faced With the ongoing process of globalisation, it is obvious that there will be competition in every aspect. Moreover, with perfect strategies and clever decision can enable the company to witness some robust growth. In the retail business Wal-Mart has also faced a lot of issues running the business. The key problem to mention is the competitor in the field of retail. It is the Kmart, who gave competition to the Wal-Mart. Kmart in US is considered to be the second largest retail chain after Wal-mart. Both the retailers are highly successful in their business. Though, the strategies differ for both the players. Wal-Mart strategy is to set up stores in small towns and within small group of people, while Kmart is focused on to set up stores in populated places. The kmart’s strategy is to gain a larger market share , rather than the volumes. However Wal-mart has proved it from its sales figures where the sales are estimated to be greater by four times than that of Kmart’s figures. The difference between both the companies’ sales figures stood at around $37 billion. The discount stores of the Wal-mart faired fairly well where the sales were about $385 per square feet considered as twice the amount of Kmart. Company’s like Wal-Mart has proved it credibility in the field of success in not reliant on the size and quantity. Initially Wal- mart has also witnessed problem many good professional in the company says company lacked strategic vision. It has been widely argued that the company was unable to meet the expectation, that company popularised the mission statement where it was mentioned that customer’s expectation will be met by delivering quality products at lower price in the market. The company was concentrating to meet the basic necessities. (Global Strategy analysis, ivythesis) Wal-Mart in the Indonesia Once the company has gone International . It was one of the major challenge to the Wal-Mart was to find appropriate partner or companies who can popularize or make some sort of business understanding. In Indonesia being a good potential market. Wal-Mart had a discussion with the largest Indonesian retailer Pt Matahari Putra Prima to develop the concept of the hyper market asset. At the same time, Lippo Group an Indonesian Business group which controls Matahari through PT Multipolar, was also looking for global partners like Wal-Mart to expand its business. Howe ever the strategies of Walmart were very clear. Wal-mart wanted to acquire the hyper markets, along with a French retailer Casino Guichard Perrachon SA. In this process Lippo has hoped to generate a substantial amount of $ one billion. The partnership will give the Wal-mart to gain a significantly and control over the assets of Matahari Hypermarkets. The main reason for Wal-mart in this regard is that, Indonesia is one of the most populated countries in the world and largest nation in terms of Muslim population. This deal could be a golden deal as the Wal-mart wants to keep on moving by opening its stores in the middle –east and South East Asian countries in the world. (Wal-Mart in Indonesia, The writingonthewal) Conclusion and Recommendation It has been a great experience studying the entire issue and a good number of lessons are was learned. Expanding the business to other nation can be attractive only when it is planned properly, it will add the value to the business. There are few vital points which we should remember to sustain the business in the international level which are outlined as follows. Is the company a business leader at home, these days the transformation of messages are very fast. Thus we can say that if it is popular brand in the country that means greater chance of doing business outside the nation. Followed by the business model in use- Each and every business model has its own pros and cons. Thus, the company should decide which mode to follow whether it will go for franchising, licensing, joint ventures or wholly owned. Choose the right partner for the process- It is important to choose the right business houses for the success of the business. In this matter verification of financial status, influence and reputation are some of the key aspect needs some special attention. In relatively smaller nation also check the political scenario which may be helpful. Study the country where to set up the business- It is important to study the rules and regulation that are imposed by the country. The tariffs and taxes related to the international business is also a matter of concern. Infrastructure related to the business- It is also an important factor before doing business in the foreign land. All the supporting infrastructure should be in –line to support the business Key issues are whether you will get home support for the logistic and supply chain form home or any other alternatives needs to be used in this regard. Is the company’s financial efficiency financial department to handle the foreign transaction and exchange in the currency? Moreover, once you are operating globally, there must be a department who can handle any kind of queries and suggestion round the clock. Moreover operating model is also very important before going out for business. The cost in terms of supply, real estate and seasonality are also important. (ceoonline. com) Competitive pricing for the product, price drop is also necessary to study and offer the customers with some outcomes. A very close supervision is required in this regard for the fast and stable results. (BSAG,2011) References G. lewis, Researching International strategies of Australia viewed on April 12th  ,2012 www. Business. flinders. edu. au/research/papers/01-3. doc Global Strategy Analysis: Wal-Mart, viewed on April, 13th,2012 http://ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2010/03/global-strategy-analysis-wal-mart. html Laural Delaney, December 16, 2004, 20 Factors to Consider before Going Global, viewed on April 13th, 2012 http://www. ntrepreneur. com/article/75138 Walmart in indonesia: round 2, viewed on April 14th  ,2012 http://thewritingonthewal. net/? p=12269 Expanding Internationally: 8 Points To Consider Before Going Global, 2007, viewed on April, 13th  ,2012 http://www. ceoonline. com/pages/id22292. aspx Business strategy BSAG, viewed on April 13,2012 http://bsagweb. com/clients-stories/retail-company Daniel D. Bradlow, The Changing International Business Context, viewed on Apri l 13,2012 http://www. ialsnet. org/meetings/business/BradlowDaniel-USA. pdf How to cite International Business- Walmart, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Critical Issues free essay sample

In the 1900s when policing was created they had to face many issues to make sure that they handle lowering crime rates. The police departments would find ways on how to prevent and solve crimes with the use of technology. Only in recent years have many agencies found the use of information technologies significantly helpful. Some examples of these technology uses include fingerprinting databases, computerized crime mapping, and records management systems doing everything from inventorying property and cataloging evidence to calculating solvability factors. I will provide some detailed examples as well as my own opinion of each category of how technology is used in policing and how technology enhances from police organizations ability to function; Examples of less than lethal weapons and how less than lethal weapons affect policing; and examples of the dangers faced by police and how police organizations address these dangers. â€Å"Those were desperate times for policemen in a hostile country with unpaved streets and uneven sidewalks, sometimes miles from the police station, with little prospects of assistance in case of need. It took nerve to be a policeman in those days Chief Francis ONeill of the Chicago Police Department in 1903. The first use of technology in policing was cars, radios, computers, and firearms. If it were not for the creation of technology in 1900s police departments would have a very hard time to stop all the crimes that were being created. So in 1960 the Crime Commission was established. Today in the 21st Century there are many new kinds of technology used in policing and one is being created for the â€Å"future cops† which decreases the dangerous high-speed chases with criminals is the StarChase System. The StarChase system is a laser guided GPS tracking system that is launched from the front grill of the squad car and guided by a laser-light targeting system. Once the sticky transmitter attaches to the fleeing car, the police track the suspect via real-time feeds over a wireless network allowing the fleeing car to flee and wait until the car slows down and stops while the police track the car and speed to where it is located. Another technology being created is the Real-time video which is a wireless video-surveillance that helps police officers track down suspects before patrolmen even arrive on the scene. These technologies enhance the way police organizations ability to function within the community to help lower crime rates and solve crimes. Technology is being used not only for police use but also for other departments that will help them solve a situation more quickly and faster. Computer use has also been a useful technology for police officers to locate the crimes and criminals. People do assume that police officers should work the way police officers did years ago only because they know they cannot escape the crime they committed. Less than lethal weapons are a used force in controlling unruly persons, to stop fleeing vehicles, and to detect concealed weapons and contraband in nonintrusive ways. Examples of less than lethal weapons are gases and sprays, batons, electroshock weapons, explosive weapons, sticky foam, etc. Less than lethal weapons are being used, and it is growing in the police departments. These weapons are intended to be less likely to kill a living target than are conventional weapons. They may also be used to channelize a battlefield or control the movement of civilian populations or limit civilian access to restricted areas. Many people believe that when police officer use less than lethal weapons against a civilian it is police misconduct, corruption, abuse of their power, or the ability of knowing the right proper use of handling a criminal situation. There were times when a police officer and a criminal were at a standoff, that police officers had to use any use of weapon to save the officers own life which caused the death of the civilian. This type of misconduct resulted for police departments to use first a no lethal weapons only if the situation can be settled until it arrives to the point where the police officer has to use a lethal weapon to defend their own life. It is the citizen’s action that will cause the police officer to use such force and it is not the police officers fault why they tend to use such force. Police officers have a high risk job compared to many others. Police officers always face life threating dangers on their day-to-day jobs. Some examples of what these brave police officers face during their patrolling are domestic situations, robberies, murders, homicides, assault, communicable diseases, and injuries during a car crash. I do not believe that police organizations tend to do much to address these dangers. They are aware that these incidents occur, but the only thing they do to help prevent this is many trainings and proper weapons available to use to protect the civilians and their own lives. The police officer are expected to be combat-ready at all times, even with facing a continual sense of danger from an unknown enemy. A few officers in the United States have been killed off-duty, most commonly after intervening in robberies, or when on-duty police mistook them for gang members (Davis amp; Pinizzotto, 1996). All these officers can do to avoid such dangers is to be aware of their surroundings and the reputation of the community. One of the dangers that I believe the police officers would face one day again is the community riot against the police department. Not only would this be dangerous to the police officers but also to the civilians who would be involved of the riot. I have explained in many details and in my own opinions with a little bit of history how technology is used in policing and how the technology enhances police organizations ability to function properly. I also provided examples of the less than lethal weapons used by police departments and by the police officers and why they should or should not use less than lethal weapons against a civilian and describing how less than lethal weapons affect policing in today’s society. Technology and less than lethal weapons can be a wrong choice to some people, but it does help the way the police department controls the crimes and lowers the crimes in the community. Many police officers do face many dangers in their day-to-day patrolling which can cause them to be in danger of their lives and others. I personally can understand why police officers use such force against the criminals that are in need of it when they resist the arrest or endangering the life of the police officers as well as the civilians surrounding that community.